Wednesday 19th February 2025
Speakers: Mohamed Foda, Imogen Hawthorne
1. To be able to recognize red flags for referral to Ophthalmology
2. To identify the appropriate ophthalmology referral pathways
3. To review the systemic associations of eye disease
Mohamed Foda
Ophthalmology Speciality Doctor / OLT
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
RCOphth SAS Commitee Member
Imogen Hawthorne
Community Optometry
Imogen was recommended to us by Gloucestershire Local Ophthalmic Committee. She is currently Lead Optometrist for Modality LLP, a
community based ophthalmology provider, working in a variety of extended
clinical roles as well as leading in operations, governance and policy. She continues to run the contact lens service at Walsall Manor Hospital.
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