Thursday 14th November 2024
Speaker: Mr Andrei Ilczyszyn
To be able to assess and investigate dyspepsia
To identify when endoscopy is recommended for reflux symptoms including red flags symptoms
To review the management of functional dyspepsia
Mr Andrei Ilczyszyn
Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon
Andrei Ilczyszyn was appointed as a consultant Bariatric and Upper GI Surgeon at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in February 2022.
Andrei qualified from St George's Hospital Medical School, London in 2006 and undertook higher surgical training on the North East Thames rotation. At the end of his training he spent over two years as the RCS Fellow in Bariatric and Upper GI Surgery at the UCLH Bariatric Centre for Weight Management and Metabolic Surgery. He also holds an MD(Res) from King's College London for his work on oesophageal physiology applied to surgery for reflux disease and achalasia.
His clinical interests are focussed on bariatric surgery, oesophageal benign disease, oesophageal physiology and minimally invasive general surgery.
Areas of expertise:
Bariatric surgery
Anti-reflux and hiatus hernia surgery
Minimally invasive abdominal wall hernia surgery
Benign biliary and gallstone surgery
Emergency general surgery
Oesophageal physiology
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